Sunday, April 27, 2008

Rules, Rules, Rules

About 2 months ago, a hotel close to my house was changing owners and was opening a brand new fine dining steakhouse inside of it. I was looking for a new restaurant to work at and this place seemed like it would be a good fit for me. After the incredibly grueling interview process, I was hired. I had never worked at an eating establishment located in a hotel before and I was going to learn how very different it was.

I started training the next day, the training period was 2 weeks long. All the restaurants I've worked at you basically came in that day, got your uniform and started working. We received our uniforms and a booklet on how to care for them as well as how to properly wear them. Also in this booklet were the rules on how to wear your hair ( "brushed, clean, and in a conservative style ponytail"), what color your make-up should be, rules about how many earrings are allowed in each ear(1) , and finally no perfume.

I remember reading this and thinking how bad I wanted to go home and find a new job immediately. But I need the money, so I stuck it out.

1 comment:

Da Old Man said...

Good luck with the job.

{{{{{Aching feet}}}}}